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We created the dental podcast, A Tale of Two Hygienists in 2015. Our goal for the podcast is to help clinicians become more confident in their clinical practice while adding some humor and fun to dentistry. We discuss concepts related to the delivery of oral health care, gaining knowledge from interviews with clinicians, scientists, medical professionals, dental hygienists and dentists from around the world.

TIPisodes are 15 minute or less episodes where we answer questions relating to dentistry. They are informative with tips you can implement into your operatory the same day!

Fast Facts are 5 minute or less episodes that bring you a short and information packed clips. They cover a variety of topics. Some of our most popular series are Fast Facts: Perio Edition, Fast Facts: Pharmacology Edition, and the recently released Fast Facts: Coding Edition.

We are so grateful for our student listeners and have dedicated a monthly episode to them. The first full episode released each month is our Student Focused Roundtable which provides information that is beneficial to students as they plan their futures in dentistry and dental hygiene.

Because 3 episodes every week just isn’t enough to cover all of the topics requested by our listeners. Check out our bonus episodes! Be sure to keep an eye out for these unexpected, but information packed episodes that air through the year!.