Eva Grayzel
Interview Starts at minute 11:23
Eva is a survivor of oral cancer. She was at the peak of her career as a professional storyteller when she developed a sore on her tongue. A misdiagnosis occurred and led to an amazing story resulting in advocacy for oral cancer screenings and becoming a champion for the cause! She shares so many valuable tips and tricks for our patients undergoing chemo or with xerostomia.
Eva is available for speaking and has so much amazing information. Please reach out and connect with her!
Phone: (610) 258-3763
Email: eva@evagrayzel.com
Mr. C plays hide & seek and Mr. C the Globetrotter books for sale! https://www.sixstepscreening.org/store/ or on iTunes. All proceeds go to the young man mentioned on the podcast!
Outtakes during the outro music!
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