On this week’s episode of Fast Facts – Perio Edition, Katrina Sanders, begins the conversation in deep diving around how we now classify diseases of the periodontium associated with dental implants this week talking about whether we should, or should not be probing dental implants!
“For the first time, dental implants have been located in the mouth long enough to actually develop disease around them.”
“The vast majority of us were taught in dental and dental hygiene school to be very careful around dental implants.”
“When probing a dental implant, about 50% of the PSI or pressure that is typically used around a tooth structure should be applied to identify the base around a pocket affiliated with a dental implant.”
DentistRX: https://www.dentistrx.com
More Fast Facts: https://ataleoftwohygienists.com/fast-facts/
Katrina Sanders Website: https://www.katrinasanders.com
Katrina Sanders Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedentalwinegenist/
Renvert, Stefan, G. Rutger Persson, Flavia Q. Pirih, and Paulo M. Camargo. “Peri‐implant health, peri‐implant mucositis, and peri‐implantitis: Case definitions and diagnostic considerations.” Journal of clinical periodontology 45 (2018): S278-S285.