A Tale of Two Hygienists wraps up this month’s series on career advancement with a discussion about how you can effectively market for your practice: not just by looking at the raw numbers, but also by spending your time with patients and hearing them out.
Throughout her career, Minal Sampat has worked on both the marketing acand hands-on sides of dental hygiene, and as a result she understands how these two sides can work in harmony. She is also a speaker, author, and the president of both her own company and Growth Management Marketing, LLC.
In this episode, Minal discusses the key to marketing success, explains how you can make the most of your unique skills both in and outside of your practice, and impresses the importance of proofreading.
Interview starts: 16:00
– Minal describes her journey from marketing to dental hygiene and then back again.
– The epiphany that allowed Minal to realize the practical limits of marketing, and how clinical care providers have a “superpower.”
– Honing the skill or skills that will allow you to get an edge in your practice.
– Minal discusses The Typo Incident and how she dealt with it.
– Why it’s vital for hygienists—especially female ones—to build each other up.
“If I was not a clinical care provider, there was no way to truly connect with the patient base in marketing.”
“When you devalue who you are as a healthcare provider then so will your patients.”
“I don’t think there’s such a thing as a bad experience; I think it’s just experience.”
“Whatever you enjoy doing… you can make that into a career.”
“If you think you want to do something, you are already born with the power to do so.”
Minal’s homepage – https://minalsampat.com/
Minal on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/minalsampatllc/
Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business – https://www.amazon.com/Why-Your-Marketing-Killing-Business/dp/1734249803/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1MW6VDN37B311&dchild=1&keywords=minal+sampat&qid=1603465255&s=books&sprefix=minal+sam%2Caps%2C177&sr=1-1
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