On this week’s episode of Fast Facts – Perio Edition, we are going to unpack a weird fact, a fun fact that some of you might know around the utilization of statins as an adjunct to scaling and root planing.
“Get this, they have actually found that the local delivery of statins so this is going to be localized, delivering simvastatin, atorvastatin, rosuvastatin. The localized delivery of these statins into the sub-gingival space has actually shown a promising adjunct to SRP”
“So this specific data says that an individual who takes what they call a high dose statin that’s going to be 80 milligrams or higher, versus a low dose statin that would be 10 milligrams, demonstrated a significant lower level of this inflammatory and bone loss process.”
DentistRX: https://www.dentistrx.com
More Fast Facts: https://ataleoftwohygienists.com/fast-facts/
Katrina Sanders Website: https://www.katrinasanders.com
Katrina Sanders Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedentalwinegenist/
Ambrosio, LMB. Rovai ES,.et al.Does the adjunctive use of statins provide additional benefits to nonsurgical periodontal treatment? A systematic review and meta-analysis.The Journal of PeriodontalResearch53,12-21 (2018).