On this Student Focused Roundtable Michelle is joined by Crystal Spring, RDH and Janet Crosswhite, RDH to talk about public health vs. private practice. Both Janet and Crystal work in the public health realm and share their experiences from working in public health and private practice over their careers.
Interview Starts: 10:25
Episode Highlights
Crystal’s Background
Janet’s Background
Private Practice vs. Public Health
Standard of Care
Ideal Public Health Hygienist
Patient Complications in Public Health
Highs and Lows
“I have huge issues with people thinking public health is sub standard care.”
“Even in private practice, you choose how you provide care for your patients.”
“We do not provide sub standard care, we go above and beyond.”
“You can create the job you want whether it is in private practice or public health.”
“Once you are in public health I dare you to go back, it becomes where your heart is, you become really passionate about public health.”
“You have to have thick skin and be committed to bringing the best care to your patients.”
“You want to take care of your patients with better care than you would treat your family.”
“No-one on the team can be lazy in public health.”
“I leave stain and I leave calculous, I’m going to put my focus on biofilm management and homecare.”