Michelle and Andrew spent last week in Amsterdam attending EuroPerio9, one of the worlds leading conferences on periodontology! It was a trip to be remembered for sure! In this episode, AToTH recaps some of their favorite parts about the conference and discuss the new periodontal classification … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 126 (A new periodontal classification system and EuroPerio recap!)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 123 ( Lasers in Dentistry pt 2 with Nicole Fortune)
Episode 123 - Lasers in Dentistry pt 2 with Nicole Fortune Interview begins at 6:45 In this episode we build upon our knowledge from last episode. Nicole shares her experiences with laser and their relation with implants. She also shares some of her thoughts on perioscopes and all of the other … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 123 ( Lasers in Dentistry pt 2 with Nicole Fortune)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 122 (Intro to Dental Lasers with Jeanette Miranda, RDH!)
122 Jeanette Miranda talks Lasers in Dentistry! Interview begins around minute - 6:10 In this episode we learn the foundational principals of lasers in dentistry. Jeanette Miranda is a practicing hygienist in South Dakota and has been using lasers for years! She has seen some amazing clinical … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 122 (Intro to Dental Lasers with Jeanette Miranda, RDH!)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 120 (Mentorship Roundtable)
120 Mentorship Roundtable Interview starts at minute 8:40 This episode discusses the importance of mentorship and the general profession of dental hygiene in alternative settings. We also tackle social media etiquette and boosting your presence Roundtable Participants Machelle Galloway, Kristine … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 120 (Mentorship Roundtable)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 118 (Dr. Alan Mead talks Addiction and Substance Abuse)
Dr Alan Mead Interview starts around minute 13 In this episode we welcome Dr. Alan Mead of The Dental Hacks Podcast and also his solo podcast, the Alan Mead Experience. While talking about podcasting with him is always enjoyable, this time we get down to a topic he is very passionate about - … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 118 (Dr. Alan Mead talks Addiction and Substance Abuse)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 116 (Amber Riley, RDH, MS Returns to the Podcast!)
In what is turning out to be an annual event at Chicago Midwinter, Amber returns to the podcast with some more great information for us! She has a quick wit, is kind and compassionate, and extremely intelligent! This time we talk about medically compromised patients with an emphasis on the … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 116 (Amber Riley, RDH, MS Returns to the Podcast!)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 115 (JoAnn Gurenlian! – Come on, does she even need a tagline!?)
Interview starts around minute 14:40 JoAnn Gurenlian is an amazing human being and it was truly our pleasure to have her on. JoAnn has served the public and the profession in countless ways, we are all indebted to her for her service. In this episode, we talk about the true role of the dental … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 115 (JoAnn Gurenlian! – Come on, does she even need a tagline!?)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 114 (Dr Uche Odiatu Talks Gut Heath!)
114 Uche Odiatu talks Gut Health Interview starts around minute 7 In this episode, Dr Odiatu helps us understand the basics of gut health and the microbiome in our body. We learn how to interpret the information thats out there and how to apply that information to treat our patients better. We … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 114 (Dr Uche Odiatu Talks Gut Heath!)