This week on Fast Facts Perio Edition, we are unpacking a new research study that has come down discussing the Bidirectional associations between fibromyalgia and periodontitis. Resources: DentistRX: More Fast … [Read more...] about “Fibromyalgia & Periodontitis: The Bi-Directional Link” Fast Facts: Perio Edition
357 Unicorn Offices Exist for the RDH with Pamela Maragliano-Muniz, DMD (Live from ADA Smile-Con)
On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists, we recorded live at ADA SmileCon. Big thank you to ADA for inviting us to be a part of their podcasting lounge and giving us the space to interview the AMAZING return guest, and friend of AToTH Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz. Dr. Pam talks to us … [Read more...] about 357 Unicorn Offices Exist for the RDH with Pamela Maragliano-Muniz, DMD (Live from ADA Smile-Con)
355 HPV: A Disease that Doesn’t Discriminate with Catrice Opitchka, RDH, MS
On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists, we are joined by a speaker and hygienist that isn't afraid to tackle tough topics. Join us as we talk with Catrice Opichka RDH, MS about HPV and Oral Sex. Thanks to Tempstars' support this episode has FREE CE! Be sure to view your state … [Read more...] about 355 HPV: A Disease that Doesn’t Discriminate with Catrice Opitchka, RDH, MS
TIPisode Hygienist Proud with Amber Auger, RDH
On this TIPisode Amber Auger, RDH wishes us all a Happy Dental Hygiene Month! Amber is a practicing hygienist, international Speaker and creator of Thrive in the Op TM! Episode Highlights Hygienist Proud Serving Abroad Smiles are Universal GC America 2031 Vision Quotes “We … [Read more...] about TIPisode Hygienist Proud with Amber Auger, RDH
353 Getting to Know Alyssa Aberle MBA, RDH
On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists, we are joined by Alyssa Aberle to discuss dental hygiene legislation and what it looks like to be involved in assisting in changing and developing policy within the dental hygiene space. As you will learn in this episode, Alyssa is a very dynamic … [Read more...] about 353 Getting to Know Alyssa Aberle MBA, RDH
Keeping an Ergonomic Mindset with Stephanie Botts, RDH
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Stephanie Botts, RDH who is a clinical hygienist and ergonomic specialist. Today Stephanie talks to us about putting ourselves first and keeping our health and functionality a priority focusing on ourselves and our environment. Spoiler: … [Read more...] about Keeping an Ergonomic Mindset with Stephanie Botts, RDH
348: Scan, Plan, Place and Restore: An Everyday Implant Workflow
This month we have partnered with DEXIS to bring you 4 courses from their DEXIS Days series. DEXIS Days is a month-long virtual experience to help you advance your knowledge, embrace emerging technologies, and thrive. This is one of 34 education sessions! On this episode Dr. Robert Pauley discusses … [Read more...] about 348: Scan, Plan, Place and Restore: An Everyday Implant Workflow
Bonus: Cellerant Hygiene Award Winner Elevate Oral Care
On this special bonus episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists we are joined Brooke Crouch, RDH, Hayley Buckner, RDH and Arika Olijar to talk to us about the not one, not two, but THREE Cellerant Awards given to Elevate Oral Care. Episode Highlights Voting: How it works Winning … [Read more...] about Bonus: Cellerant Hygiene Award Winner Elevate Oral Care