This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Stephanie Botts, RDH who is a clinical hygienist and ergonomic specialist. Today Stephanie talks to us about microbreaks, highlighting their importance and how to implement them into your routine. Episode Highlights … [Read more...] about TIPisode Ergonomics: The Benefit of Microbreaks
Value Based Dentistry with Dr. Hendrik Lai – Episode 324
Please Leave a Review! On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists Andrew talks with Dr. Hendrik Lai about achieving value based dentistry. Dr. Lai explains that the model of dentistry has changed, and we need to adapt with the change. Highlights of this episode include a conversation about … [Read more...] about Value Based Dentistry with Dr. Hendrik Lai – Episode 324
TIPisode Dental Pain Erased with Jen Rothenberg BS, RDH, PHDH
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Jen Rothenburg, BS, RDH, PHDH Lacy Walker, RDH and Tom Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P. to talk to us about a new product on the market that is redefining the patient experience. Enter Synapse which uses pulsewave technology to alleviate dental … [Read more...] about TIPisode Dental Pain Erased with Jen Rothenberg BS, RDH, PHDH
Becoming a Director of Hygiene with Trish Keena, RDH – 323
Please Leave a Review! On this episode of A Tale of Two Hygienists Andrew talks with Trish Keena, RDH about her *cheesy* journey in dental hygiene. In all seriousness, Trish has held a number of different positions through all walks of dentistry. Andrew often uses Trish as a … [Read more...] about Becoming a Director of Hygiene with Trish Keena, RDH – 323
Fast Facts: Perio Edition “Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease – Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome”
On this week’s episode of Fast Facts - Perio Edition, Katrina Sanders, we are continuing the conversation around periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease discussing patients that present with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Katrina highlights cardinal signs to look for, and shares a personal … [Read more...] about Fast Facts: Perio Edition “Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease – Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome”
TIPisode 3 Steps to Improved Patient Compliance with Spring Hatfield, RDH
This week on A Tale of Two Hygienists TIPisode we are joined by Spring Hatfield, RDH to talk to us about 3 steps to take to improve patient compliance. Episode Highlights Article: 10 Tips to Improve Patient Compliance Listen Build Rapport Motivate your patient … [Read more...] about TIPisode 3 Steps to Improved Patient Compliance with Spring Hatfield, RDH
Temping Done Right with Dr. James Younger
On this episode Andrew and CE extraordinaire Lacy Walker, RDH interview Dr. James Younger about the right way to temp. We are going to let you in on the (not so secret) secret that not all temping agencies are the same. Dr. Younger created TempStars to solve the problem he as a dental professional … [Read more...] about Temping Done Right with Dr. James Younger
Fast Facts: Perio Edition “Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease – Glycogen Storage Disease”
On this week’s episode of Fast Facts - Perio Edition, Katrina Sanders, we are continuing the conversation around periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease discussing patients that present with Glycogen Storage Disease. Quotes: “In individuals who have glycogen storage disease, … [Read more...] about Fast Facts: Perio Edition “Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Disease – Glycogen Storage Disease”