RDH's wear so many different hats and we can do so much with our degree and license! This week Melissa Calhoun joins the show to share her journey and how each role helps to keep her engaged and in love with the profession. Thank you to our partner in this episode Arm and Hammer! Check out what … [Read more...] about The Many Hats of the RDH with Melissa Calhoun, RDH
442 Dental Implants: What Were You Taught? with Lynn Pencek, RDH
Lynn Pencek joins the program this week to help us get back on track with dental implant basics and dental implant maintenance. We talk about what dentists are taught, what hygienists are taught and so much more. Join us this week! Resources: Her website www.practiceatyourbest.com or email … [Read more...] about 442 Dental Implants: What Were You Taught? with Lynn Pencek, RDH
440 Infertility and Dentistry with Jessica Woods, RDHAP
Let's talk infertility. The WHO just updated their statistics that 1 in 6 are impacted by infertility. If you are seeing 8 patients a day, good chances that one of them will experience infertility issues. Jessica Woods joins us on the show this week to talk about what it is, who is affected, what … [Read more...] about 440 Infertility and Dentistry with Jessica Woods, RDHAP
439 Get More Education with Annie Walters, RDH
I (Andrew) am so happy to introduce you to our new co-host, Annie Walters. In this episode, I take the opportunity interview her and get to know her a bit better. I learn about her experience but more importantly, how she sees the profession. I am excited to start this next chapter with her and am … [Read more...] about 439 Get More Education with Annie Walters, RDH
438 Antibiotics: Who Needs A Pre-Med? With Sue Scherer, RDH
Antibiotics were once doled out like candy to anyone who had an ouchy tooth or metal in their body. Now, we know better... sorta. Sue Scherer joins the podcast this week to talk about what our responsibility is as dental professionals for understanding and knowing proper use and administration of … [Read more...] about 438 Antibiotics: Who Needs A Pre-Med? With Sue Scherer, RDH
437 What Does a Next Level Hygienist Look Like? with JoAnn Gurenlian, RDH
What is the responsibility of the dental hygienist in this very changed world? Just 15 years ago the landscape looked very different and the role and scope of the hygienist was leveraged to the fullest. What has changed and how can research be the key to advancement? JoAnn Gurenlian talks about this … [Read more...] about 437 What Does a Next Level Hygienist Look Like? with JoAnn Gurenlian, RDH
Everyone Has High Blood Pressure, How Important Is It to Evaluate? Ask The Experts with Machell Hudson-Hoover, RDH
Our patients are so silly. Many of them think that just because the are on blood pressure meds, they no longer have "high blood pressure"... meaning they think they have no more risk. Machell joins the show to talk to us about what we can be doing and saying to our patients to position the topic of … [Read more...] about Everyone Has High Blood Pressure, How Important Is It to Evaluate? Ask The Experts with Machell Hudson-Hoover, RDH
436 Out of the Op and Into the Hospital with Katharine Martinez, RDH
Have you ever wondered what else you can do with your license? When the comment comes up in the forums its always sales or education related... but how about you create your own pathway? That is exactly what Katharine Martinez did and she wants to share with you her journey into the hospital … [Read more...] about 436 Out of the Op and Into the Hospital with Katharine Martinez, RDH