One of the ickiest things to happen is prophy paste splattering up and onto us. With patients who have tough stain, prolonged exposure of prophy paste and prophy angle increase our chance of getting that nasty stuff on us. This TIPisode will help you learn what kinds of things you can do to reduce … [Read more...] about Tackling Tough Stains While Minimizing Splatter and Patient Sensitivity
Erasing Dental Pain with Dr. Cosmo and Synapse **Bonus**
Some pain can be mitigated with changes in how we scale, some pain can't be helped. That's where the dental pain eraser comes into play. It helps with ortho, srp, or our "normal" but symptomatic patient and more! Check out more at … [Read more...] about Erasing Dental Pain with Dr. Cosmo and Synapse **Bonus**
Embarrassing Moments pt 2 – An RDH Rant Takeover
We all have them, moments embarrass us so much, but then are our favorite stories to tell. Listen in this week as we have more embarrassing stories from RDH Rants' Heather, Lizz and Anna! Resources: RDH Rant: … [Read more...] about Embarrassing Moments pt 2 – An RDH Rant Takeover
407 Working with Medical Partners with Dr. Tim Donley DDS, MSD and Dr. Brett Sealove FACC, RPVI, CPE
In this amazing episode, Dr. Tim Donley, periodontist, and Dr. Brett Sealove, cardiologist, join the podcast to talk a little more about how we need to be collaborating between dental and medical. We are under one umbrella of healthcare and our patients deserve our concerted … [Read more...] about 407 Working with Medical Partners with Dr. Tim Donley DDS, MSD and Dr. Brett Sealove FACC, RPVI, CPE
The Correct Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease – Fast Facts: Perio Edition with Katrina Sanders, RDH
Katrina Sanders is "rampaging" as she said this week as she hopes for a time in which we provide better, more specific care for our patients with cardiovascular disease. Resources: More Fast Facts: Katrina Sanders … [Read more...] about The Correct Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease – Fast Facts: Perio Edition with Katrina Sanders, RDH
Treating The “Mature” Adult with Dr. Bill Paveletz **Bonus**
This is a bonus episode featuring Dr. Bill Paveletz in partnership with VOCO and we talk about the many issues we see in our elderly patients. The points he makes about dry mouth, recession, and other issues hold true for many of our patients regardless of their age so his advice will ring true for … [Read more...] about Treating The “Mature” Adult with Dr. Bill Paveletz **Bonus**
Dental Trends – An RDH Rant Takeover
It's and RDH Rant Takeover episode with Heather, Anna, and Lizz focusing Dental Trends! RDH Rant: … [Read more...] about Dental Trends – An RDH Rant Takeover
Are You Selling Your Patients a Lie? Fast Facts: Perio Edition with Andrew Johnston, RDH
This week we did a flip-a-roo and Andrew will be doing Fast Facts and Katrina's Fast Fact episode will be next week for the Wednesday episode. In this episode Andrew recounts a conversation he had with a friend about if we are selling our patient's a lie when we keep hammering away to 'brush and … [Read more...] about Are You Selling Your Patients a Lie? Fast Facts: Perio Edition with Andrew Johnston, RDH