This week's TIPisode is with Noel Brandon-Kelsch and is a great reminder of how vital our masks are and what not to do with them! Medicom sponsors this episode. Head over to their website and learn more about their SafeMask to keep you and your patient … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – TIPisode with Noel Kelsch, RDH (April 2019)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – TIPisode With Noel Kelsch, RDH (March 2019)
Noel Brandon-Kelsch is an international speaker, writer, Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice and Director of Cabrillo College Dental Hygiene Program. She is passionate about oral health and has the uncanny ability to motivate and enlighten audiences through her unique humor and … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – TIPisode With Noel Kelsch, RDH (March 2019)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – TIPisode with Noel Kelsch, RDH (February 2019)
Noel Brandon-Kelsch is an international speaker, writer, Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice and Director of Cabrillo College Dental Hygiene Program. She is passionate about oral health and has the uncanny ability to motivate and enlighten audiences through her unique humor and … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – TIPisode with Noel Kelsch, RDH (February 2019)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 82 (Olivia Wann RDA, JD on OSHA and HIPAA Compliance)
Interview starts around minute 18 Olivia Wann founded Modern Practice Solutions, a compliance company specializing in the dental industry, in the year 2000. She travelled extensively throughout the country providing lectures, in-office consultations, and policy development. Olivia Wann has … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 82 (Olivia Wann RDA, JD on OSHA and HIPAA Compliance)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 33 (Daniel Lopez, RDH!)
Stay tuned after the end music to find out what Michelle's real name is! WARNING - Michelle says some no-no words! Also, Tune in for episode 34 for CLUE NUMBER 3 to WIN FREE TUITION FOR SMILES AT SEA! Michelle looks ridiculous and does not bring her "A" game at all today Michelle accuses … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 33 (Daniel Lopez, RDH!)
A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 16 (Noel Kelsch, RDH)
ATOTH welcomes Noel Kelsch to the show! Noel is a well known speaker and advocate for her patients. Sometimes she is considered "controversial" by some - although controversial would be a huge overstatement. An example of this is when she encourages her patients to ask clinicians directly about … [Read more...] about A Tale of Two Hygienists – Episode 16 (Noel Kelsch, RDH)